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From pans to code and computers


From pans to code and computers

My transition from a passionate cook to a software developer


The Catalyst for Change

Life is a journey of many chapters, each offering unique experiences and challenges. In my previous chapter, I was a cook, passionate about creating culinary delights. However, the high-stress kitchen environment proved overwhelming for me as a Highly Sensitive Person. At 27, I realized it was time for a major change.

First Steps into Coding

In the quiet of my room, during precious moments of free time, I began to explore the world of programming. With each line of code I wrote, I discovered a new passion. The act of creating something from nothing and solving complex problems ignited a sense of adventure I hadn't felt before. This new challenge became my beacon of hope for a different future.

The Bootcamp Boost

After two years of self-study, I recognized the need for structured learning to accelerate my progress. My research led me to Le Wagon, a coding bootcamp in Milan, Italy. This intensive program became a turning point in my journey.

The bootcamp experience was transformative. I collaborated with diverse individuals, tackled real-world projects, and expanded my technical skills exponentially. It was challenging, exhilarating, and ultimately one of the best decisions of my life.

Navigating the Job Market

Breaking into the tech industry proved more challenging than I anticipated. The market wasn't particularly welcoming to newcomers, and the reality outside the bootcamp bubble was stark. I spent months applying to countless positions, often facing rejection or silence. However, a stroke of luck came when Francesco, my bootcamp instructor, recommended me to a French company, JustMe Technologies.

Landing My First Developer Role

The opportunity at JustMe Technologies was a game-changer. Despite my initial nervousness, the interview process went smoothly, thanks to the skills I had honed during the bootcamp. I was thrilled when they offered me a position as a junior developer.

Starting my new role was both exciting and daunting. I was working with technologies I hadn't encountered before, and the learning curve was steep. However, the supportive team environment and my determination to succeed helped me overcome these initial challenges.

Growing as a Developer

As I settled into my role, I began to see how my background in cooking actually benefited my new career. The attention to detail, ability to work under pressure, and creative problem-solving skills I had developed in the kitchen translated surprisingly well to coding.

I threw myself into learning new technologies, contributing to team projects, and gradually taking on more responsibilities. Each successful deployment and solved bug boosted my confidence, affirming that I had made the right choice in changing careers.

Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead

My journey from kitchen to code has taught me valuable lessons:

  1. Persistence pays off: Learning to code wasn't easy, but consistent effort led to progress.
  2. Embrace challenges: Each obstacle became an opportunity for growth.
  3. The importance of mentorship: Having guidance accelerated my learning and boosted my confidence.
  4. Adaptability is key: The tech world is ever-changing, and being open to learning is crucial.
  5. Transferable skills matter: My cooking experience provided unexpected advantages in my new field.

As I look to the future, I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. The path from cook to developer has been transformative, and I'm eager to continue growing in this dynamic field. Whether it's mastering new programming languages, contributing to open-source projects, or perhaps even mentoring future career-changers like myself, I know that this new chapter of my life is filled with potential.

My story is a testament to the fact that it's never too late to pursue your passions and that with determination and the right support, even the most dramatic career changes are possible. To anyone considering a similar journey, I say: take that first step. The road may be challenging, but the destination is worth it.